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Instagram athlete scams - ADidas
Moving away from "porn culture"
Leigh Nicol talks taking back control with Sky Sports News
What’s the big problem with my car registration plate being visible online?
David Clarke, Football Journeys Podcast
talking to our kids about social media
Football Journeys, academies and where it all began
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Social Media - the new smoking - and why we all need to work on our screen time
Identity - tackling one of football's most pressing issues
Rooney, the moony and not enough empathy
Singapore sentence is symbolic in fight against online hate
Apple to give iCloud access to the loved ones of deceased users
B5 Consultancy submission to Law Commission on intimate image abuse
Twitter: we don't tolerate abuse. Also Twitter ........
Daddy, what did you do in the great online war?
'It's my normal day-to-day'. Leigh Nicol speaks to BBC and ITV News
B5 Consultancy sign Crystal Palace midfielder Leigh Nicol
What role do the banter merchants play in online harms?
i Sport focuses on the continued abuse of sportswomen